Musings about Food & the Politics of Food.

TartQueen's Kitchen

Archive for January, 2014

My Goals for 2014 0

Posted on January 06, 2014 by Sahar

I’m a little late here, but a very happy 2014 to you all.

As we all have at this point in the year, there are a few goals that I’d like to accomplish, or at least try, in 2014.

1.  Really get my garden going.  2013 was a year of life and other things getting in the way so I couldn’t get too far into it.  I’d like to get my garden built, prepped, and planted so I can start harvesting in May or June.

2.  Post on this blog more often.  It’s good practice for me.  And, I would like more of you to read and enjoy what I write.

3.  Promote my blog.  That means for me to delve even further into the world of social media.  You know, join 2014.

4.  Continue to get better at my photography.  I think I’m rather good at it given the tools I’ve had.  I now have a great camera as well as a couple of workshops under my belt.  Plus, I’ve learned that white and natural are always the way to go.

5. Stretch my cooking abilities and challenge myself.  Like most cooks, I’m prone to fall into ruts from time to time.

6.  Bake more. Especially breads.  Even try gluten-free and vegan baking.  I also have plenty of sourdough starter, so have at it, Me.

7.  Take a few cake decorating classes.  Because I’ve always wanted to.

8.  Teach myself to make the following:

a) Corned Beef

b) Cured Salmon

c) perfect Rice Pudding

d) Mansaff (a Bedouin dish of lamb and yogurt; one of my favorites that I’ve never been able to master)

e) my grandmother’s pie crust

f) true barbecued Brisket

g) tempered chocolate

h) fresh veggie burgers

i) seitan (a meat substitute made with flour and wheat gluten)

j) pastrami

k) pita bread

l) a really good shrimp curry

m) and other things that I haven’t thought of yet



Have a lovely 2014!  Hope you all reach your goals.


See you all soon.




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